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Boilerplate Code for Your Next.js Project with Tailwind CSS
Next.js Boilerplate is a developer-friendly starter code for Next.js projects, built with Tailwind CSS and TypeScript. ⚡️ Designed with developer experience in mind, it includes:
- 🚀 Next.js with App Router support
- 🔥 TypeScript for type checking
- 💎 Tailwind CSS integration
- 🔒 Authentication with Clerk (includes passwordless, social, and multi-factor auth)
- 📦 ORM with DrizzleORM (PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL support)
- 🌐 Multi-language support (i18n) with next-intl and Crowdin
- 🔴 Form handling (React Hook Form) and validation (Zod)
- 📏 Linting and formatting (ESLint, Prettier)
- 🦊 Git hooks and commit linting (Husky, Commitlint)
- 🦺 Testing suite (Vitest, React Testing Library, Playwright)
- 🎉 Storybook for UI development
- 🚨 Error monitoring (Sentry) and logging (Pino.js)
- 🖥️ Monitoring as Code (Checkly)
- 🤖 SEO optimization (metadata, JSON-LD, Open Graph tags)
- ⚙️ Development tools (VSCode config, bundler analyzer, changelog generation)
Our sponsors' exceptional support has made this project possible. Their services integrate seamlessly with the boilerplate, and we recommend trying them out.